Saturday, 15 November 2014

Best Vacation Ever Video Contest to Caribbean - Best Friends Travel Story

As a travel blogger, I am more than proud to say that lying in my heart and soul is the ultimate passion for travelling, though I have not been to that many places as a pro/full-time travel writers. One of the foremost inspirations for my trips & stories is my best friend June, whom I have been apart from for almost 1 year until now. June is also a young travel-addict like me. She has lived in 3 different countries and been to over 20 countries.

The Best Vacation Ever Video Contest, which we entered few days ago, gives us the perfect possibility to reunite this Spring 2015 on a funded 10-day vacation on Little Corn Island Nicaragua in Caribbean, if we win hopefully. Thanks Adventurous Kate and GreenGlobalTravel for spreading the words!

Best Vacation Ever Contest Policy. Enter the competition here!

What does Little Corn Island say to me?

Located 43 miles off the coast of Nicaragua in Caribbean are the Corn Islands, including the Little Corn Island which is far more remote and isolated from the big ones. Here you can find the dreamland of sun shining, pure blue beaches and a great opportunity to relax your mind with yoga, spa, and a get-away from the chaotic modernized life. Most importantly, I see Nicaragua - 'The place to be' as an ideal destination for exotic Caribbean food, lovely people from a different culture, new adventure and experiences which differs a lot from European countries. True happiness, which is the main message of Yemaja Little Corn Island travel concept, as well as the Best Vacation Ever Video contest, delivered what we were looking for. 

OUR VIDEO #happyatyemaya

Thanks for watching. We hope you enjoy!

Our Travel Story

We begun our study in Finland at the same class in 2011, when we started to know each other in the little town Rovaniemi located in the very North of Finland, where you can easily find Santa Claus and reindeers in Christmas. We were very young teen girls, sharing the same age, academic program, apartment where we lived together for almost a year, and things we have been through together from good to bad times, especially during depressing winters. 

The year I moved to Helsinki was when June decided to stay in Rovaniemi to continue her study. She met a lot of exchange students from all over the world, made many new friends and fell in love with their story as well as discovering new countries. Half a year later she went back to Vietnam for an internship, then to Germany for an exchange to study. Here she begun realising her travel passion by having couples of trips and road-trips. Last summer June also took her 70-something-year-old grandparents on an Europe trip throughout 6 countries. She wanted to show her family the world in her eyes, and she made it through. Her grandparents' story was very inspiring, well-recognized and appreciated by publicity.

June and grandparents in Barcelona, Spain

Ever since we were apart, I have been to Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. We never lost contact, as I would always call her and tell my story whenever I arrive at a new country. We met each other few times every now and then in the last 2 years. I took a flight to Munich where she was on Erasmus exchange to visit her. These days I am dying to meet her to talk endlessly about Netherlands and my experiences in this lovely country.

Eventually, I guess what kept us not falling apart all these years was not only these special memories in different countries we had together, but also the similar aspiration we have and look forward to fulfilling every day. We are definitely thrilled and looking forward to spending the best vacation ever together, meeting people from all walks of life to share food & culture, building great conversations, and creating the best experiences for our last year of college!

Us in Helsinki, Finland

1 comment:

Sweet stories on my way eating around Europe